Interface 4x4 matrix keypad using 74C922 decoder to 8051 microcontroller . I have build hardware circuit on Breadboard. There are many way to program the keypad and i have learned many things from my lecturer and i just want to share what i have learn from my class. Below is a video that I've been done this activity.
Interface 4x4 matrix keypad using 74C922 decoder to 8051 microcontroller .
Posted by Belajar Blogs on Tuesday, 8 September 2015
- Keyboards are organized in a matrix of row and columns.
# The CPU accesses both rows and columns through ports.
+ Therefore,with two 8-bit ports, and 8 x 8 matrix of keys can be connected to a microprocessor
# When a key pressed, a row and a column make a contact.
+ Otherwise,There is no connection between rows and columns
- In IBM PC keyboards, a single microcontroller takes care of hardware and software interfacing.
- A 4x4 matrix connected to two ports.
# The rows are connected to an output port and the columns are connected to an input port
LCD display wiring part:
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Assembly program and insert code as follows into the Keil Uvision :
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e equ p2.7 ;lcd wiring
rw equ p2.6
rs equ p2.5
lcdline equ p3
keypad equ p1 ; keypad wiring
key_da equ p1.4
org 00h
start: acall lcdst ;start lcd
mov dptr,#word1 ;display word
acall wdisp
loop: mov a,#0c2h
acall cmdwrt
acall getkey
cjne a,#'+',next
mov dptr,#word2
acall wdisp
sjmp loop
next: cjne a,#'C',next2
mov a,#01h
acall cmdwrt
sjmp loop
next2: acall datawrt
sjmp loop
getkey: jnb key_da,getkey ;get keypad key
mov a,keypad
anl a,#0fh
mov dptr,#keymap
movc a,@a+dptr
wait: jb key_da,wait
lcdwrt: clr rw ;write to lcd
mov lcdline,a
setb e
acall lcddly
clr e
acall lcddly
cmdwrt: clr rs ;write command to lcd
acall lcdwrt
datawrt:setb rs ;write data to lcd
acall lcdwrt
lcdst: mov a,#38h ;start lcd
acall cmdwrt
mov a,#0ch
acall cmdwrt
mov a,#01h
acall cmdwrt
mov a,#06h
acall cmdwrt
wdisp: clr a ;display word
movc a,@a+dptr
jz done
acall datawrt
inc dptr
sjmp wdisp
done: ret
lcddly: mov r7,#200 ;delay for lcd
wa: djnz r7,wa
word1: db "keypad test",0
word2: db "8051",0
keymap:db '7','8','9','/'
db '4','5','6','*'
db '1','2','3','-'
db 'O','0','=','+'
0 Ulasan